Finding the safest detergent for your baby's laundry

All parents want to do the right things for their children, and with newborns we need to be extra careful because their skin is still developing a protective outer layer until they are at least 12 months old. Without this oily layer of protection they're more sensitive to chemicals that come up against their skin in the cleaning products, soaps and shampoo we use.

If your little one is having problems with eczema, itchy skin, rashes or other signs of skin irritation it can be a daunting task to track down the cause but one of the easiest places to start is in your laundry.

If your baby has itchy skin, check your laundry products

Some of the common ‘nasties' that can irritate your baby's skin are used in laundry detergents which makes the laundry one of the best places to start detoxing your home. Residues from laundry detergents, including optical whiteners, industrial enzymes and synthetic perfumes can remain in your baby's clothes and bed linen and are up against their skin day and night. If any of these fabrics get wet or moist they can be reactivated and lead to rashes, irritation or itching.

Tips for choosing the safest detergent

  • We recommend using a liquid laundry detergent as they tend to have gentler cleaning agents in them than the powder varieties.
  • Look for products with a full list of ingredients - this is not legally required in Australasia but some companies are voluntarily doing this anyway. Make sure there are no optical whiteners, synthetic dyes or perfumes.
  • Check the product label for any third party certification such as New Zealand's ‘Environmental Choice'. This is your guarantee that the product has been made with consideration for the environment.
  • Opt for fragrance free products wherever you can - fragrances can be made up of 100-350 chemicals which are not disclosed as this is considered proprietary information yet according to leading allergy expert, Dr Vincent Crump fragrances are one of the top 3 allergens that cause ACD (Allergen Contact Dermatitis). ecostore has an ultra sensitive range which is fragrance free for extra sensitivity.